anytime fitness news
September 23-26, 2010
Big Sky, Montana
International Tanning Technologies is an Official 2010 Sponsor of the Anytime Fitness Annual Conference and Preferred Vendor for Indoor Tanning Parts and Service.

© 2010 International Tanning Technologies. All trademarks are registered to their respected companies.

Vitamin D Tied to Athletic Performance
runner Reyana Ewing recognized something was amiss physically when she
became sluggish during her workouts. She was doing everything right in
terms of scheduling her workouts, keeping her fluids up and sleeping
regularly. Clued in that the problem may be dietary, she suspected an
iron deficiency. As it turns out, a lack of vitamin D was the culprit.
eating a balanced diet and spending lots of time outdoors daily in the
California sun, a visit to her doctor revealed dangerously low levels
of vitamin D. As she increased her intake, she felt better – and even
set a new personal best time in her half-marathon time.
continued to research vitamin D and was surprised to learn that
deficiency is becoming an issue across the globe, without regard to
sex, race or athletic condition. She does note that performance
athletes should observe optimal nutrient levels in order to best
support their workout lifestyle.
For more information on specific concerns related to vitamin D deficiency in endurance athletes, visit the source.
Source: Vitamin D and Endurance Exercise
Miss Ohio Teen USA 2010 To Raise Awareness About Responsible Tanning, Moderate Exposure To UV Rays
Bridget Linton is used to the spotlight. Her passion for Irish dancing has landed her on stages throughout the U.S., Ireland and Scotland. A high school cheerleader and homecoming queen, today she's a freshman member of the dance team at the University of Akron while pursuing a major in broadcast journalism. She's also Miss Ohio Teen USA 2010.
Crowned last October, Linton tours her state as a goodwill ambassador, making appearances at schools, guest speaking and working with charities including D.A.R.E., the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
One of her platforms during her year-long reign is responsible tanning and the health benefits gained from moderate exposure to UV rays. "Moderate exposure to ultraviolet rays is the key to tanning responsibly," she says. "The danger of a body's exposure to UV rays comes when the skin gets burned and what can result from sunburn. Moderate exposure for people who can develop a tan is the smartest way to maximize the benefits of exposure and minimize risks."
Linton will advise people of all ages during her reign to learn their skin type, find out how much exposure their skin can accept without burning, protect their skin with protective lotions and wear safe, protective eyewear. "Those who find themselves in the sun regularly and people who utilize the services of a tanning salon should also check with their physicians about any photosensitivity issues they might have regarding prescription medication they're taking and exposure," she shares.
She'll also help educate Ohioans about the benefits of UV exposure past simply getting a bronze glow on the outside. "In the U.S., people are suffering from a serious vitamin D deficiency," reports Tim Freeman, who owns Altima Tan and Massage in Akron, Ohio. Freeman approached Linton shortly after she was crowned to help back her responsible tanning platform. "Research has proven that UV rays trigger the synthesis of vitamin D and are responsible for the health benefits of exposure. While one doesn't have to develop a tan to produce vitamin D and everyone should avoid overexposure to prevent skin burn, which causes skin cancer, in reality tanning is a great way to stimulate the body's production of vitamin D."
Freeman's salon, in business since 2007, tans on average 260 people a day. He is an ardent supporter of tanning in moderation and tanning responsibly. He and each of his five employees strictly follow critically important tanning guidelines developed by ETS Tan, the International Tanning Association, Suntan Supply and the FDA.
"Salon services are in higher demand by a wide range of individuals than ever before," he states. "As a business owner, I want to provide the best products and services at the best prices. But above all, I want to be a responsible, reputable business. Our top priority is to ensure that every customer who chooses to come in follows established tanning guidelines and most importantly follows recommended frequency and durations of sessions according to their skin type."
To learn more about Miss Ohio Teen USA 2010 Bridget Linton, visit
